

Sorry if I am not very “PC”, I might need an editor to edit my stuff. I pretty much tell it like it is, or tell it like it is as we see it that is…

I/We are not one(s) for hand outs, only hand ups. So I hadn’t put up a donation option till now. Again, we don’t expect any hand outs. But if you like what we are doing and you like to donate to the cause, you can send donations through PayPal to I use to know how to make PayPal tabs, but they changed their site and I cannot figure out how to do that now.

You can donate other ways also. We will take most any form of donations. We prefer CES, but most people use fake fiat money. Other donations could be building materials, seeds for our food forest. You can come and donate your time and labor if you like, we would love and enjoy your company! If you visit our recycling section, you will see that we give back to the community in many ways. So if you donate, it will also go to help the elderly and the less fortunate within our community. We believe that We The People should be helping our neighbors and not Uncle Sam who takes more then they give.

We also subscribe to the Ubuntu philosophy. Produce 3x what you need. 1/3 for your community, 1/3 for ourselves, and 1/3 to sale to neighboring communities and beyond. This way, we can all do what we love and not have to worry about the rest. Take care of your community and your community will take care of you. We also DO NOT subscribe to the “de facto government”, we (namely I) subscribe to the “De jure government”.

Back to the donations. We need building materials more then anything, but understand it is easier to send money over long distances. So you can also mail a check, money order or CES to David O’Dougherty or KCLA Management, LLC which is the LLC I set up for my I.T. business that never really made much money. But I still operate everything under that LLC where I need to.

We are not a “non profit” 501c3, but we operate much like many not for profit organizations. We just would like to keep the New World Order out of our lives as much as possible, we only deal with the government where we have to. We comply to the rules regulations, standards, codes and guidelines where we are “forced to” but “under duress”; they do not have our consent. We are against the increase in the Size, the Cost, the extend of the Reach & the Power of Tyrannical government. We prefer to be independent and not reliant on authoritarian dictators. Like Ron Paul use to say; “Don’t steel, the government hates competition”.

All donations are burnt offerings and should be listed as such when making any donations and/or love offerings. We file all taxes and do all “legal” paperwork through the LLC. Thank you in advance, CainO’