Drugs & Alcohol


Don’t get me wrong, I like a glass of wine every now and then. They say a small glass of wine a day is good for you. They say that you should not drink more then one glass of wine, one can of beer or one shot of hard alcohol per day if you are concerned about your health. All these things are kosher I guess, but some people just cannot stop at one. Astrologically speaking, it is said that people with Moon in water particularly have that problem. This goes for drugs as well.

So as of August 2017, we are implementing a Drug and Alcohol policy on the land. Recreational Drugs and Alcohol used on the land is prohibited and we have a Zero tolerance for the abuse of drug and/or alcohol.

We also have friends and i am sure we will have guests who are recovering alcoholics and/or drug addicts; so out of respect for them, we do not allow any public use of drugs or alcohol whether it be recreational or medicinal.

DD&D is also a Hate Free Zone!

Short term visitors: We have a strike two policy on miner issues and zero tolerance on major ones, this is for people staying on the land more long term. 1st offense will result in a verbal warning. 2nd offense will result in being removed from the premises. Any major issues and/or problems involving drugs or alcohol will have  one or two results pending the severity of the issue. 1st offense will be the removal of the person from the property. Pending the severity of any of the above issues, the person may or may not be permanently banded from the premises.

Long term visitors: We have a strike three policy on miner issues and zero tolerance on major ones, this is for people staying on the land more long term. 1st offense will result in a verbal warning. 2nd offense will result in a written warning, 3rd offense will result in being removed from the promises. Any major issues and/or problems involving drugs or alcohol will have  one or two results pending the severity of the issue. 1st offense will be the removal of the person from the property. Pending the severity of any of the above issues, the person may or may not be permanently banded from the premises.

Stay tuned for more updates on this subject.