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10 Time-Tested Home Remedies

Medications, both prescription and over-the-counter, are some of the biggest expenses for American households. According to the online news outlet CNBC, the average person spends about $1,200 a year on these drugs.

This is more than the average paid in any other developed country. Despite this, over a dozen pharmaceutical manufacturers recently hiked up their prices by around 6%—which is sure to swell costs even more.
Thankfully, we don’t have to pay these exorbitant prices just to get some relief. For hundreds of years, natural remedies have been used to treat various concerns inside and out. From the common flu to period cramps, natural and effective solutions may already be in your pantry.

Here are a few of them for some of the most common ailments:Ginger For The Flu
Despite being called “seasonal”,  the flu isn’t something you should normally experience. This highly infectious illness can easily become life-threatening. In fact, over 36,000 people die each year of the flu. Therefore, it’s important to know potentially life-saving home remedies.Among the best options is ginger. With scientific proof of its curative powers, raw ginger tea can ward off flu symptoms like coughing, a sore throat, and nausea.
Turmeric For Inflammation
Turmeric is a golden spice hailed for its many curative properties. One of the most popular uses of turmeric is as a cure for inflammation. A study with arthritis patients even revealed that turmeric treatments were more helpful than prescription anti-inflammatory drugs.
While turmeric supplements are the most potent, a soothing cup of turmeric tea a day will also help. Consistently drinking a cup of this tea every day (with some black pepper to aid absorption!) will help you experience long-term inflammation relief.
Honey For Common Colds
A powerful antimicrobial and antibacterial ingredient, honey can relieve even the most severe of cold symptoms. Once you feel a cold coming, try drinking a cup of tea with honey and a squeeze of lemon. This will help kill off the cold virus and relieve any lingering symptoms. Evidence suggests that honey may even help those with colds sleep better.
Chili Peppers For Pain Management
Capsaicin, which is found in chilis, is a proven topical pain treatment. The way capsaicin works is by first providing a relieving warmth, and then numbing the area. If you have any sore muscles or painful joints, chili peppers can be used to make DIY capsaicin cream.
To do so, simply mix in cayenne pepper with some oil or cream over low heat. Once it’s cooled and set, massage the capsaicin cream onto the skin. Remember to keep this away from open wounds and orifices to avoid a nasty burning sensation.
Chamomile For Anxiety Attacks
Chamomile works as both an aromatherapy and herbal supplement against anxiety.
Studies have shown that when used regularly, chamomile may directly address symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder.If you or your loved ones are suffering from an anxiety attack, try drinking chamomile tea and inhaling its vapors slowly. Such a remedy is beneficial today, given that reports from the national library NCBI have shown that anxiety has increased by up to 15% in all age groups.
Holy Basil for Depression
An excellent herbal option included in Rose Keefe’s article on stress relievers, holy basil is full of beneficial antioxidants. This helps it flush out free radicals which may exacerbate stress. Since it can also balance out cortisol, holy basil can alleviate depression and its related symptoms like nausea.To enjoy, boil fresh or dried leaves into a tea before adding honey to taste.
Lavender For Migraines
When migraines attack, lavender has been said to reduce the pain and distress associated with it.

As a tea, it has been said to relieve headaches and throbbing sensations.Meanwhile, when used as an oil or potpourri, lavender is a great aromatherapy option to reduce pain.

If you prefer to use lavender oil to massage your temples, remember to first dilute them. This will prevent irritation and hormonal changes.
Fennel For Period Cramps
Recent studies suggest that period cramps are comparable to a heart attack’s pain.

This is why it’s crucial to know how to alleviate this discomfort at home. One such method is to take fennel extract.
Fennel is an herb known to have a spasm-relieving compound called anethole. In a recent study, this fennel compound has been shown to work just as well as OTC menstrual cramp medications. To use, simply steep fennel as a tea and enjoy.
Fenugreek For Breastfeeding
According to lifestyle website The Spruce Eats, fenugreek is a popular spice in Mediterranean and Asian cuisine. From leaf to seed, fenugreek has a variety of uses. As a home remedy, fenugreek can help women produce milk during breastfeeding.
Aside from this, fenugreek can also help firm stool and lower blood sugar. To enjoy, either sprinkle the fresh herb onto your meals, steep it in tea, or ground it to add flavour to your food.
Yogurt For Heartburn
Heartburn is often a painful symptom that accompanies acid reflux. Because of yogurt’s thick consistency and dairy properties, it can act as a temporary buffer in the stomach and esophageal lining.

For the best results, ingest some yogurt before or right at the onset of your heartburn.
So as not to trigger GERD (which is sensitive to dairy), opt for a low-fat non-acidic option like Greek yogurt. Over time, the probiotics in yogurt may even quell an acidic stomach that causes heartburn.

While we can’t discount pharmaceutical drugs completely, it’s also important to know the treatments we have at our fingertips. All-natural and just as effective, natural home remedies can help you live a better life, without compromising your budget or your body.

 Stop Spending Money At The Pharmacy By Growing These 10 Plants 

Causes of Weight Gain

➤ Read it on The Lost Herbs

Weight gain is not uncommon since people age, change their lifestyles and develop certain health conditions. The metabolism decreases and when you eat more calories than you can burn, the body fat increases. Weight gain links to many debilitating diseases in some cases.

Maintaining proper weight accounts for proper diet and exercise to aid in metabolic activities. Along with it, some herbs and common spices in your kitchen also help. Keeping your weight in check is vital to support body functions and slow down its degeneration.Causes of Weight GainWeight gain not related to an underlying health condition is often due to excessive calorie intake. Being less physically active, the surplus of calories becomes residue and is deposited as fat.

But fat is not at all bad as it is also essential for the body. It performs basic functions like providing energy, supporting cell growth and maintaining body temperature. The body needs fat to absorb fat-soluble nutrients like Vitamin A, E, D and K. The fat under the skin, or subcutaneous fat, works like a shock absorber that cushions the bone. This type of fat is easily dissolved by good eating habits and exercise.

The dangerous fat in the body is the visceral fat that is noticeable in the abdomen. Those pot belly and love handles cause hardening of the blood vessels. Eventually, it will decrease blood flow and begin to cause many health problems like hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.Weight gain other than overeating and sedentary activity is likely due to:

• Slow metabolism due to age
• Stress, anxiety and depression
• Menstrual cycle
• Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
• Menopausal problems
• Lack of sleep
• Hormonal problems
• Taking medicationsPlants That Help You Lose WeightHormonal and medical causes of weight gain are best discussed with a doctor for proper treatment. Otherwise, you only need to modify your lifestyle and increase your intake of natural foods. Get moving and involve yourself in activities that stretch your core.

Along with your lifestyle changes, some common plants are also beneficial for your weight loss journey. Many herbs support digestion and improve metabolism. The good thing is, you don’t need to look elsewhere but your garden or kitchen.
Here are 3 of the most potent plants for weight loss:Ginger

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is a spicy and pungent herb widely available all over the world. It is one of the most commonly used spices for both culinary and medicinal purposes. As a powerhouse of nutrition and healing properties, ginger is also effective in weight problems.Ginger root has a high amount of gingerol, a phenolic phytochemical that has a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect. It reduces inflammation caused by oxidative stress that contributes to obesity. Oxidative stress alters food intake and causes white adipose tissue (WAT) deposits resulting in weight gain. Taking ginger prevents this extra pound by reducing oxidative stress and its related inflammation.

Gingerol also has a carminative action for gastrointestinal disturbances. It pushes food faster into the bowel and prevents gas formation. It is effective in increasing the metabolic rate and helping the body expend extra energy from the stored fat deposit.

For weight loss purposes, ginger is more effective when eaten fresh and raw. Ginger is commonly prepared as tea but heat exposure may diminish some of its potent properties. It particularly destroys Vitamin C which lowers its anti-inflammatory action.

However, not everyone loves the spiciness and pungent taste of ginger. If you want to take it as a tea, you can compensate for some of its lost nutrients by pairing it with lemon.

Lemon-ginger tea hastens digestion and the emptying of the stomach. Taking it before sleep aids the digestive system, breaking down food and preventing constipation and gas.

Discover the right holistic protocol for you right here.Lemon-Ginger Nighttime Tea
Wash, peel and grind fresh ginger root. Boil 2 cups of water in a saucepan and add the ginger.

Simmer for 10 minutes on low heat. Add the lemon juice and drink while warm before going to bed.

Ginger is natural but does not come without some side effects and interactions. High dosage can worsen high blood pressure and cause irritation of the esophagus. Ginger tea can interact with some medications, such as blood thinners, diabetes drugs and blood pressure drugsTurmeric

Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is another rhizome of the ginger family that is effective in weight loss while sleeping. It is one of the most recommended plants when it comes to fat-burning and maintaining a healthy body mass index. Unlike weight loss diets and food supplements, turmeric gets rid of fat but not water and muscle mass.Turmeric raises the body’s metabolism and facilitates smooth digestion during sleep. Its main component curcumin is beneficial against fat deposition. It breaks down fat and prevents it from getting stored as visceral fat.

The powerful antioxidant property of turmeric is also very effective against oxidative stress. It combats the accumulation of free radicals that destroy the cells and cause inflammation.

Many diet food supplements boast about their ability to lower cortisol levels. Cortisol is the stress hormone that stimulates the body to hold onto fat. It increases the appetite which is useful in survival situations but not as pleasing when you acquire the extra pounds. Turmeric is a natural remedy for curbing stress and cortisol surge.

Turmeric remedies a wide range of health problems, not just weight issues. It is most valued in treating diabetes, cancer, anemia and cardiovascular diseases among others. It possesses a bitter, earthy and peppery yet musky flavor. It is the distinct flavor that gives curry its signature taste and aroma. Turmeric is more popularly sold in its ground form than the rhizome.

Turmeric-Cinnamon Tea
You can consume turmeric as tea if you are okay with its flavor. Simply boil water and add a dash of turmeric into it and some cinnamon powder or stick. This duo is a powerful weight buster that flushes fat and maintains the body’s function.Turmeric Milk

Some people who are not very fond of its flavor may take turmeric milk instead. You can add half a teaspoon of turmeric powder to hot milk and take it before bedtime.

Turmeric is a spice that has many health benefits, but it also has some contraindications that can cause harmful effects.You should be careful if you are taking blood thinners, diabetes drugs, have GERD, gallstones, hormone-sensitive conditions, iron deficiency, or are pregnant or breastfeeding.Ginseng

Ginseng (Panax ginseng) is a medicinally important plant that is effective against many ailments. It is an all-healing herb that holistically helps the whole body. It possesses superior medicinal properties so much so people are warned against its excessive consumption.Ginseng is associated with many names found in various regions but usually pertains to Korean ginseng. It is native to Asia and used for hundreds of years in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is valued mostly for its aphrodisiac property.

One of its most notable benefits is its effectiveness in suppressing appetite. The hunger hormone triggers cravings, causing a person to eat more than necessary. Taking ginseng curbs the hunger hormone.

Ginseng also increases the body’s metabolic activity against excessive carbohydrate intake. It metabolizes carbs faster and prevents fat deposits. It also regulates blood sugar levels and increases the body’s anti-glucose metabolism.

Korean ginseng is rich in antioxidants against oxidative stress and debilities. It reduces physical and mental stress to overcome fatigue and improve blood circulation.Korean Ginseng Tea

To take Korean ginseng for weight loss, boil its dried roots in a cup of water. Strain and drink the decoction twice a day for better results. Do not take the tea for more than 3 months.
Ginseng is not intended for excessive and long-term use. It can induce euphoria and affect the mental state.
So avoid taking ginseng more than necessary. It is also not advisable for the following group of people: taking blood thinning medication, breast cancer history, autoimmune disease, bipolar disorder, fever, sore throat.Losing weight has become a struggle for many people. Some result in taking food supplements that are often more detrimental than beneficial for health. Shedding weight is a slow and steady process, but nothing can make you lose several pounds at once.

Plants and herbs are the natural ways that can help speed up the process. But then again, these metabolic herbs only work well when accompanied by a healthy lifestyle. So, mind your plate, get moving, and make use of these herbs to see better weight loss results!

Nature’s Best Lymphatic Cleanser and Tonic


David Michael Cain, you are receiving this email because you purchased The Forager’s Guide to Wild Foods
➤ Read it on The Lost HerbsHi David Michael Cain,
Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) is a household name in complementary and homeopathic herbal remedies for inducing sleep. This herb has hypnotic, sedative, and anti-spasmodic properties. It is often a common ingredient in sleep aid medicine and mild sedatives.
Some companies are also working on incorporating valerian root in sleep-supporting ice cream and beverages. These products are marketed as food supplements and not as food and remain under the close watch of the FDA.
The roots are the most valuable part of the valerian plant, and they are obtained for medicinal purposes. Oil extracts from its leaves are also used as an ingredient for baked goods. Although its roots exude an unpleasant stale stench, its flowers produce a pleasant smell that is used in perfume preparation.
Valerian is also used as a cat relaxant or an alternative to catnip. In areas of pests infestations, it is often used as a vermin trap because of its foul smell.How To Identify ValerianValerian is an invasive flowering perennial plant that grows up to 2 meters. It can grow tall and slender but its stems may flop in full shade. This deciduous plant has a clumping habit with a rapid growth rate. Its trumpet-like star flowers contain both types of reproductive organs.Leaves. Valerian has a set of clumping or rosette basal leaves that are compound with odd to pinnate shapes. It appears in the lower part of the stem consisting of about 4 to 9 pairs of leaflets. Valerian leaves are green and covered with prickles. The leaf type changes as it moves higher up the stem. It becomes shorter, less lobed, and with shorter petioles.Stem. Valerian has numerous grooved and hollow stalks. In favorable conditions, the stems would grow erect and reach a height of up to 4 feet. The stems are sparsely-leaved with fine hairs that are denser at the nodes.Flowers. The fragrant flowers of the valerian bloom white or pink blossoms from June to August.

The showy flowers are star-shaped and fused into a cyme or central flower with peripheral blooms.

They are arranged into umbels or clusters that are about 2 to 5 inches across.
Fruits and Seeds. Valerian fruits are dry and small egg-shaped capsules. It is yellow and covered with a tuft of white hair containing one oblong seed each.

Roots. Valerian has a short and cylindrical rhizome, and bushy round and slender roots. These roots are yellow to brown, which contains the yellowish-green or brownish-yellow volatile oil.What Valerian Root Is Good For And Natural Remedies Made From ItValerian is a powerful nervine, an herb that has therapeutic effects on the nervous system. Its most effective medicinal function is in treating insomnia and neurological disorders. Its root compound works on the nervous system to promote deep relaxation and relieve anxiety. It is also an effective medicine for mood swings, paranoia, and phobias.
The anticonvulsant property of valerian makes it a therapeutic alternative for epileptic patients. With its ability to relieve oxidative stress, it is considered a treatment for Parkinson’s disease.
The essential oil of valerian contains compounds that can lower blood pressure, and regulate the heart rate. It can regulate blood lipid levels that can promote cardiovascular health. Valerian is also a diuretic that is used for treating urinary tract disorders.
In children, studies show that it can help improve memory to support their focus and learning. It can also manage hyperactivity in children with ADHD.
Valerian is a popular herb in treating women’s reproductive problems. For many years, it is considered a potent home remedy for alleviating menstrual and uterine problems like dysmenorrhea and endometriosis. Valerian root has phytoestrogens, making it an effective treatment for hot flashes in menopause.
With its antifungal property, valerian can curb the growth of molds on any surface. Thus, it is an effective treatment for ulcers, eczema, and minor wounds when applied externally.
When taken properly, the valerian root is seen to cure the following health conditions:

• Heart problems (arrhythmia, bradycardia, palpitation, angina, etc.)
• Sleep disorders (insomnia, sleep apnea, jet lag)
• Panic attack, anxiety
• Epilepsy• Parkinson’s disease
• Nerve disorders
• Neurological conditions
• Menstrual cramps, endometriosis
• High blood pressure
• Urinary problems
• Lower back pains
• Minor wounds and skin problems
• Migraine
• Abdominal cramps and flatulence
Relaxing Valerian InfusionIngredients:

• 1-2 tsp valerian root
• 1 cup of water
• Raw honey, optional


1. Put the valerian root in a tea infuser with a cover. If none, a jar or container with a cover is fine.
2. Bring water to a simmer but not boiling and pour it over the valerian root
3. Cover the tea infuser/container to retain all the volatile oils. Let the valerian root infuse for about 30 minutes.
4. Remove the infuser from the cup. If using a covered container, strain the infusion into a cup and enjoy. You may also add raw honey to manage its unpleasant smell.
How To Use This Remedy:Valerian infusion is potent when it is freshly brewed and gets less effective the longer it sits. So, prepare the infusion only when you are ready to consume it.
If you want to use valerian tea as a sleep aid, consume it at least 30 minutes to two hours before bedtime. When using the supplement, the safe doses are between 300 to 600 mg daily. Do not take valerian root for more than 6 weeks to avoid its adverse effect.
Warnings And CautionsValerian root is likely safe for consumption in moderate amounts. Excessive consumption may cause side effects like headaches and uneasiness.
The safety of valerian roots in pregnant and breastfeeding mothers is not yet established. Thus, valerian should be avoided by women in this group. Do not use valerian in children without professional supervision. They are not also for use in children below three years old.
Always consult a medical professional when taking herbal remedies like valerian.Stop Spending Money At The Pharmacy By Growing These 10 PlantsYou can follow us on:

Eat This To Fertilize Your Gut


Eat This to Fertilize Your Gut - Herbal Support
Eat This to Fertilize Your Gut

Eat This To Fertilize Your Gut


Did you know that your body contains around 40 trillion bacteria? It’s true- and most of them are located in your gut. These bacteria, which are collectively known as gut microbiota or intestinal flora, help promote your overall well-being. For example, many studies point out that keeping your digestive system healthy can:

  • Maintain a strong immune system
  • Improve weight management
  • Boost your energy and mood

Your daily diet has an effect on your gut health. Unfortunately, our Western diet (processed food, sugar) and lifestyle are actually attacking our microbes and have a detrimental effect on our overall health. This is why it’s necessary to eat a balanced diet that includes gut-friendly foods.

Let’s take a look at the various food types that can fertilize your gut and make a huge difference in the way you look and feel.


Eat This to Fertilize Your Gut - Prebiotics

Prebiotics are natural soluble fibers used as fuel by our gut’s good bacteria. In fact, the only purpose of prebiotics is to feed our intestinal bacteria and maintain high amounts of friendly flora like Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli. When you fertilize your gut by eating prebiotic food, it does a better job of absorbing nutrients and supporting health-sustaining products like vitamins and supplements.

Researchers have also shown that prebiotic intake is linked to positive effects on the heart and brain, as well as blood sugar, stress levels, hormones, and cholesterol levels. Examples of prebiotic-rich foods include bananas, pumpkin seeds, and oats, so add them to your diet whenever possible.


Several different classes and types of probiotics exist, but some of the most common include Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus, and Saccharomyces boulardii, which is a yeast. You can consume them through fermented foods or supplements to enjoy health benefits such as:

  • A healthy balance of gut bacteria
  • Better immune function
  • Weight loss

A lot of prebiotic foods are the result of fermentation, a natural process that converts milk into yogurt and cheese and cabbage into sauerkraut or kimchi. Bacteria or yeast is added to beverages or foods to help kick-start the fermentation process.

Certain dairy products, such as aged cheeses, kefir, uncultured buttermilk, and yogurt, are excellent sources of probiotics.

Eat This to Fertilize Your Gut - Probiotics

Other foods include:

Related: How To Make Your Own Probiotics

If you don’t eat fermented foods on a regular basis, here are some tips for incorporating them into your diet:

  • Drink a smoothie made with kefir or probiotic yogurt for a healthy start to the day.
  • Try adding fresh sauerkraut or kimchi to your meals.
  • Enjoy a slice of aged Cheddar cheese for dessert.

Even though these foods are beneficial, moderation is important since many of them are also high in sodium. Enjoy- but not too much!

Related: What Happens if You Take the Wrong Probiotics (Video)

Probiotic Supplements

Eat This to Fertilize Your Gut - Supplements

If you don’t consume fermented foods regularly, you can take a probiotic supplement to encourage the growth of friendly bacteria in your gut.

Taking a supplement that protects the microbes is a good way to ensure you deliver a consistent supply of live good bacteria to your digestive tract, especially since stomach acids make it difficult for organisms to survive.

Fiber-Rich Foods

Eat This to Fertilize Your Gut - Fiber

Only around 3% of people consume the recommended amount of fiber every day, yet it’s essential for a healthy gut.  While both soluble and insoluble fiber are essential for your health, insoluble fiber may provide the most benefit for your gut. It assists in moving things through your digestive system and has a cleansing effect on your intestinal tract. Other benefits include:

  • Reducing inflammation in the body
  • Boosting your immune system
  • Fighting obesity

You can add more fiber to your diet by substituting avocado for mayo in your sandwiches, snacking on air-popped popcorn, and enjoying more bean-based foods like chili, hummus, and bean salad.

Green Vegetables

Eat This to Fertilize Your Gut - Vegetebles

Vegetables, especially leafy green ones, are loaded with vital nutrients your body needs. Additionally, they contain fibers that lead to the formation of butyrate, which can improve your gut immunity, reduce inflammation, and help prevent colon cancer.

Butyrate is the main fuel source for the cells lining your intestinal tract. It is common to see butyrate deficiency in patients with the compromised intestinal mucosa. Inflammatory bowel diseases are also associated with a deficiency in the metabolism of butyrate. To reduce the likelihood of developing a deficiency, make sure your diet includes plenty of kale, microgreens, collard greens, and spinach.


Eat This to Fertilize Your Gut - Fruits

Not only is fruit an important source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals, but certain varieties do a great job of fertilizing your gut. They include but are not limited to:

  • All types of apples
  • Bananas
  • Berries
  • Citrus fruits
  • Mangos

The avocado is also considered a fruit and is a source of fiber, healthy fats, and many other vitamins and minerals, so add it to salads, make guacamole, or use it as a healthy alternative to mayonnaise.

Although no fruit is technically off-limits if you’re prone to bloating, limit your consumption of fruit that is higher in fructose, such as apples, grapes, and mangos.


Garlic is naturally high in inulin, a type of non-digestible carbohydrate that helps keep your digestive tract healthy. In essence, it acts as fuel for these bacteria, which makes your gut function more effectively, and actually promotes the growth of bifidobacteria specifically.

It is important to note that when you cook garlic, its prebiotic benefits will begin to diminish, so instead of cooking it all the time, try rubbing it on toast or adding it to salad dressing and guacamole.

Herbal Support For Leaky Gut

Herbal remedies are also important for healing a leaky gut. The following botanicals are outstanding for this purpose:

  • Reishi: Used in traditional Chinese herbal medicine for thousands of years, Reishi is known as the “mushroom of immortality”. It exerts anti-inflammatory action that’s helpful for calming intestinal inflammation.
  • Plantain: An all-around tonic for the digestive system, Plantain is anti-inflammatory and soothes mucous membranes—an ideal combination for relieving the symptoms of a leaky gut.
  • Slippery Elm: Forming a protective layer in the digestive tract, Slippery Elm assists in helping the gut to heal.
  • Lion’s Mane Mushroom: A known antioxidant, Lion’s Mane helps to cool the inflammatory response.4
  • Turkey Tail Mushroom: Containing important prebiotics that balance the microbiome and control Candida overgrowth, Turkey Tail is another remarkable remedy for healing the gut.
  • Marshmallow: A soothing herbal remedy for the digestive system, Marshmallow is an excellent herb for a leaky gut because it creates a protective layer over intestinal perforations.

All are found in our Leaky/Balanced Gut Tincture. This formulation is an easy way to help assist in the repair of the intestinal tract in order to restore the healthy function of the gut.


Modern society is filled with constant stress, lack of sleep, different types of contaminants, and a high prevalence of junk food, so it’s important to eat gut-healthy, fresh food and herbs. Your gut condition affects practically every aspect of your mind and body, from digestion and blood sugar levels to your immune system, mental health, and how much energy you use on a daily basis. For optimum strength and vitality, fertilizing your gut with fermented, healthy, and unprocessed foods is a must.

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  • CHRISTINE DOOLEY POSTED NOVEMBER 16, 2021 6:01 PMI did not discover “the one condiment”.
    Which was very disappointing. I have read al ot about the gut and the article did not surprise me.Reply
    • GENEVIEVE CHASSE POSTED NOVEMBER 16, 2021 7:51 PMI agree – was looking for that one condiment too. I do not like this kind of tactic.
      And it does the opposite effect on me as they probably intend: I will most likely sign out of this newsletter. Customers need to be nurtured, not fooled!!Reply
      • JOE POSTED NOVEMBER 16, 2021 8:04 PMCome on, they told you many things to eat, not just one. You must be a damn liberal idiot.
      • NELSON POSTED NOVEMBER 16, 2021 8:20 PMI think these types of newsletters are supposed to get a base knowledge going for those who have no clue on the topics or are fairly new and need direction. This was a nice resource and doesn’t seem to be fooling anyone
    • LEONORA POSTED NOVEMBER 16, 2021 8:33 PMAgree!Reply
      • GENEVIÈVE CHASSÉ POSTED NOVEMBER 16, 2021 8:40 PMLeonora, I’m not sure if you agree with Nelson or with me and Christine, but here is my point:
        The text in the email that leads to this page says: “This is the one condiment that helps your gut flora (…) Can you guess what it is?”
        Sadly, they did not answer the question, instead they want to sell us a tincture…
    • KATHY POSTED NOVEMBER 16, 2021 9:34 PMThe one thing was prebiotics.Reply
    “Come on, they told you many things to eat, not just one. You must be a damn liberal idiot.”
    Honestly! Does this content get moderated? I have never been insulted so quickly and so stupidly!! LOL! It’s so offensive I can not help but giggle! Oh Joe!! Take good care of yourself and put some flowers in your heart!Reply
    The text in the email that leads to this page says: “This is the one condiment that helps your gut flora (…) Can you guess what it is?”
    Sadly, they did not answer the question, instead they want to sell us a tincture…Reply
  • VENETTA POSTED NOVEMBER 16, 2021 8:45 PMThank you for the information. I see many food items categorized by healing area that I can use for my particular gut problem/s.Reply
  • CRISI POSTED NOVEMBER 16, 2021 9:04 PMI assumed that avocado was the “condiment” that was being alluded to, since it shows up twice, and I appreciate the whole article. Thank you for posting it!Reply
  • JOAN WARREN POSTED NOVEMBER 16, 2021 11:03 PMFound the condiment and was definitely surprised. The condiment is identified as a condiment within the text and it starts with the letter “A”.Reply
  • JOHN HIGHLEY POSTED NOVEMBER 16, 2021 11:44 PMI take a teaspoon of unpasteurised Cider Vinegar with the mother in, to a medium glass of water per day, there is the one item that works, trust me.Reply
  • ARMIN POSTED NOVEMBER 17, 2021 12:19 AMThere really is a lot of good information here to help our gut flora but the hook they used to get us in here, specifically; the one magic “condiment” that promises to make our gut invincible could almost be considered an oxymoron. Maybe Nicole’s sense of humour coming out. By definition a “condiment” is something we typically add to food, after cooking, to impart a specific flavour, to enhance the flavour, or to complement the dish. Things like salt, pepper, sugar, ketchup, mayo, horseradish, relish, tartar sauce, Wooster sauce, steak sauce, etc. They really wouldn’t have much of an effect on our gut flora. They’re used to improve the flavour of our foods. Used many times after the food has been cooked just before we eat it. So all this discussion about some kind of a magic “condiment” is really an exercise in futility. Maybe Nicole having a joke at our expense.Reply
    • BARB POSTED NOVEMBER 17, 2021 2:50 AMActually the article did say to use avocado’s in place of mayonnaise . . .Reply
      • ARMIN POSTED NOVEMBER 17, 2021 5:46 PMBy definition avocado is NOT a “condiment”.
  • SUSAN POSTED NOVEMBER 17, 2021 3:17 AMGive her a break. Love Nicole’s herbal emails and shared love of plants (plants are not political) . I love her books, too.Reply
  • TERRI POSTED NOVEMBER 17, 2021 3:28 AMI thought the using avocado as your mayonnaise was the one condiment they were talking aboutReply
  • SARALEE COUCHOUD POSTED NOVEMBER 17, 2021 1:24 PMAs I read this I find it very informative. Yes, a lot of it just confirms what I already know but I still learn from it. As far as “they just want to sell you a teniture ” they tell you everything in it so go make your own and don’t buy theirs. I am going to look at the price and decide if it’s worth doing myself or just as cheap to buy theirs. I will probably try one bottle to make sure it works for me and then continue if it does. I for one appreciate these newsletters and if you don’t then quit getting them but you don’t have to be rude about. And before you go calling me a liberal just know that I am as conservative as they come. I just believe in walking away instead of looking for a fight and being rudeReply
    • GENEVIÈVE CHASSÉ POSTED NOVEMBER 17, 2021 1:32 PMJust to be clear Saralee – I did not call you a Liberal, this comment is from Joe (to me I think!! Ahah!) I see this comment section is not very well programmed and it is not always clear who is responding to who, sometimes you can’t even reply to another comment (not sure why).Reply
    • JOE POSTED NOVEMBER 17, 2021 4:01 PMToo funny. I saw it to be very informative but when I saw a few complaining about one condiment I couldn’t resist and I struck a nerve. HahahhahahahaReply
  • TERRI POSTED NOVEMBER 18, 2021 3:44 PMAng- Thats what I understood from it, I think people just missed it with all the other information in there.Reply
  • CAROL POSTED DECEMBER 22, 2021 12:26 PMI would like more info on leaky gut. I’ve ordered the tincture and have been taking it twice a day. I’m wondering if this is a (cure) for this problem, or will I have to continue taking this, and for how long? I’m not even sure I have leaky gut, is their a test for this? I know my digestion is poor. ILL order another bottle if it’s necessary, but at $24.99 a bottle I wonder how long before I’m (healed)….please comment if you have any insight, and thank you in advance! Good health to you.Reply
  • KENDRA YASMINE LEE POSTED DECEMBER 22, 2021 8:09 PMWe really live in a spoiled society, if the article is not to your learning ability or standards then get your information somewhere else. This need for readers to slap the wrists of writers is so arrogant and rude. We all come to these sites for information, there is always something to take away and use, if not then good on you!Reply
  • DIANNE VALDEZ POSTED DECEMBER 27, 2021 6:08 PMSaralee, I really appreciated your comment. I couldn’t agree more. Thank you for reminding us how important it is to keep comments positive.
    Dianne V.Reply
  • CHERI CHRYSOGELOS POSTED MARCH 23, 2022 8:18 PMLooking through the comments here, I have NOTHING to add. Someone might bite my head off. Good day to all. Over and out.Reply

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The Healing Power of Backyard Plants at Your Fingertips

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How To Make A Ginger Tincture


Ginger lemonade
How to Make A Ginger Tincture

How To Make A Ginger Tincture


Ginger is one of those ingredients whose uses seem almost limitless. Ginger is used as food, as a flavoring for food and beverages, as culinary medicine, in aromatherapy, in herbal medicine, and as tea, among many others. This delicious, helpful ginger tincture incorporates all the above. Incredibly, the use of this simple ginger tincture aids a plethora of health issues.

The benefits of ginger are vast. The recipe below shows details of extracting those many benefits. It also shows how to use the tincture for maximum advantage.

A Short History Of Ginger

Ginger (Zingiber officinalis) has been used by humans for a long, long time. We can tell that it was used in medieval times as the name, officinalis, denotes it was kept as medicine during this period. The first records of ginger being used date back much farther. In fact, it is thought that ginger has been used for over 5000 years. Its use has spread globally, possibly first originating in Maritime Southeast Asia. It reached Europe via Asia during the Spice Trade and was used by ancient Greeks and Romans, possibly as far back as 1500 BC.

In current times, ginger influences the cuisines of many cultures. Incredibly, global ginger production reaches over 3 million tons annually. With India producing 1 million tons themselves, and many other tropical countries having large annual production including China and Nigeria.

To extol the many virtues of this delicious aromatic plant is only a challenge in not missing any virtue of importance. For this reason, we have made two categories of how to use and benefit from ginger, although they are somewhat intertwined.

Edible Uses Of Ginger:

Ginger root or rhizome is used in cooking and baking. The hot and spicy flavor lends itself well to both sweet and savory dishes.

  • Flavoring of cakes, cookies, and candies.
  • Flavoring dishes such as curries and stir-fries.
  • Flavoring condiments such as chutneys and pickles.
  • Flavoring beverages including tea, ginger beer, and ginger ale.

Medicinal Uses Of Ginger:

Impressively, ginger is an ingredient in over half of Ayurveda and Chinese medicine preparations.

  • It aids digestive issues including indigestion, colic, stomach spasms, and helps aid stomach emptying.
  • It treats nausea including motion sickness and importantly, morning sickness.
  • Ginger is a powerful antioxidant; thus, it helps to reduce oxidative stress.
  • Ginger may help improve cholesterol levels.
  • Ginger can improve pain issues including sprains, spasms, osteoarthritis, and menstrual cramps.
  • The gingerol in ginger may be a substance that can help prevent types of cancer.
  • Taking ginger powder may lower blood sugar levels and provide antidiabetic support which may, in turn, reduce risk factors of heart disease.
  • Because ginger extracts have been shown to inhibit certain bacteria, it is helpful in reducing the risk of infection.
  • Due to gingers’ anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties, it shows promise to enhance brain function while reducing degenerative cognitive decline.

Where To Find Ginger

How to Make a Ginger Tincture - Grow Ginger

Ginger grows in tropical climates, in zones 9 to 12. It takes about 8 to 10 months from planting to harvest. In general, ginger is grown from ginger seed, which is much like potato seed. That is to say, ginger is grown from pieces of ginger root. In a large production, ginger is grown with the monsoons, so requires a lot of water.

To grow ginger at home, it may be possible if you can replicate growing conditions such as tropical climate, rich soil, protection from wind and frost, humidity, as well as necessary irrigation requirements.

The root of ginger is most often what is available. If you are able to grow your own ginger, it is interesting that in addition to the roots, the flowers, pseudostems, new shoots, and leaves also have edible uses.

Otherwise, ginger is generally available fresh at most grocery stores. It is also found dried and ground. There are many reasons to use dried ginger. This is because, surprisingly, certain beneficial properties of ginger are more available from dried ginger products rather than those found in fresh ginger.

As I tend to use ginger for cooking, I more often have fresh ginger in the kitchen.

Tincture Ingredients

  • Dry ground ginger or fresh chopped ginger.
  • High-quality alcohol such as vodka or brandy.
  • Dry ground ginger to alcohol ratio: 1-part dried ginger to 3 parts alcohol.
  • Fresh chopped ginger to alcohol ratio: 1-part fresh ginger to 1 – 2 parts alcohol.

We are using an extraction method using high-quality alcohol. This is because alcohol has an incredible ability to work as a solvent that extracts beneficial components from plants. It is remarkably able to do this at room temperature over a short period of time. It also makes the plant’s beneficial components shelf-stable.

There are other ingredients that also work as extractors. In fact, water extracts beneficial plant components when we simply make tea. My understanding is that if it is a tincture, it has an alcohol-based extraction method. For those who prefer a non-alcohol option, a choice is to use vegetable-based glycerin, for an alcohol-free extraction.

The alcohol I am using is from a local distillery. You might choose to use unflavored clear liquor such as vodka. Tinctures are also often made from brandy.


This method follows the philosophy of simple-is-best. We will be using the simple or folk method. This is relatively easy and requires only basic equipment. Essentially, we put our ginger root in a glass container, cover it with alcohol, and allow it to steep for several weeks.

How to Make a Ginger Tincture - Step 1

Step 1: Gather ingredients and equipment. Clean and sterilize a jar or container. Wash ginger.

How to Make a Ginger Tincture - Step 2

Step 2: Remove ginger root’s peel. The easiest method to do this is to gently scrape the peel off with a spoon.

How to Make a Ginger Tincture - Step 3

Step 3: Rough chop the clean, peeled ginger root. You will notice how juicy it is!

Step 4: Place ginger in a clean, sterilized glass jar and cover with your choice of alcohol.

How to Make a Ginger Tincture - Step 5

Step 5: Seal the jar and put it in a cool, dark place for 4 to 6 weeks. Check on the tincture every so often to give it a shake or a stir.

How to Make a Ginger Tincture - Step 6

Step 6: At the desired time, get ready to strain or sieve the ginger tincture. As the chopped ginger root is rather large, a fine mesh strainer is often fine enough to sieve off the liquid alcohol.

How to Make a Ginger Tincture - Step 7

Step 7: Press the ginger root to expel as much of the tincture as possible. The remaining alcohol-soaked ginger chunks can be dried or refrigerated to use as garnishes for fun summer adult beverages. I’m drying these and plan to soak them in maple syrup to serve with homemade hard ginger-lemonade.

How to Make a Ginger Tincture - Step 8

Step 8: The 2 ounces of ginger tincture that is made here can be kept in the fridge to use for flavoring beverages. It is powerful and strongly flavored with hot, spicy ginger. It might also be placed in a tincture bottle with a dropper for ease of use.

How To Use Ginger Tincture

Ginger Tincture is excellent to use in daily tonics, and as a digestive aid before or after a meal. The ginger tincture can be added to a cup of tea or other warm beverage of your choice. It is also delicious added to cold beverages and flavored waters such as cucumber water. Yet, another great way to use this tincture is to include it in homemade salad dressings, marinades, and stir fry sauces.

Warm Soothing Beverage With Ginger Tincture
  • 1 teaspoon each ginger tincture, pure lemon juice, sweetener of your choice. Honey is always lovely. Try dandelion syrup to boost the health benefits.
  • Add to 2 cups pure, high-quality water that is just simmered but not boiling. Enjoy.
Refreshing Hard Ginger-Lemonade
  • 1 tablespoon each pure lemon juice, and maple syrup.
  • 1 teaspoon ginger tincture.
  • 1-ounce vodka or distilled liquor.
  • 1 cup tonic or soda water.
  • Garnish with dried alcohol-soaked ginger, if desired.
Ginger Tincture Dosage

Use 10 drops or 1 teaspoon of ginger tincture up to 3 times a day, as needed.


Ginger constituents and extracts are suggested to be safe.

An allergic reaction is always possible with new substances. Try a skin test by putting a small amount on the inside of your wrist a day or two before commencing using a ginger tincture. Check for any rash, hives, or itchiness that may indicate an adverse allergic reaction.

Of course, follow the advice of your medical professional regarding starting any new supplement. Do check with your health care providers about any possible medication contraindications. Care should also be taken if pregnant or nursing due to the alcohol content and possible side effects from ginger.

Final Thoughts

The ginger tincture is a delicious way to incorporate this incredibly healthful plant into your daily routine. It has many helpful benefits to aid digestion, nausea, and pain, among many other conditions. We hope this strong ginger concentrate is one more helpful way to include ginger’s many benefits into your day.

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  • KAT DUCHOWICZ POSTED SEPTEMBER 13, 2021 3:12 PMCan this be kept in the cabinet instead of the fridge,?Reply
    • RITA POSTED SEPTEMBER 14, 2021 2:10 PMUsually, yes. be sure to store in a dark, cool cabinet. alcohol, over time and with uv exposure can denature and change the chemical structure of the tincture. usually for 8months(ish) to a year(ish) depending on how well it is strained and stored. I only make enough to keep on hand or about 4-6 months. I dry my ginger (fresh is best) so i tend to use more of the dried material when using it for tinctures. Plus, if you make a little at a time you will find what works best for you and won’t waste a lot if you mess up a large batch.Reply
    • WINFRED POSTED SEPTEMBER 14, 2021 11:14 PMWill the tincture be alcoholic when ready? Can I add mint leaves to make mint ginger tincture? Thank youReply
  • STEVEN POSTED SEPTEMBER 13, 2021 3:36 PMNice, thank you! Making the Ginger Tincture with Apple Cider, is that also a very good option?Reply
    • THE LOST HERBS POSTED SEPTEMBER 21, 2021 4:56 PMHi Steven,Thank you for your comment.If you do not wish to use alcohol to make your tincture, you can replace it with either apple cider vinegar or vegetable glycerin. In this case, it’s better to use dried ginger, instead of fresh ginger.You also can find more details about non-alcoholic tinctures in the article below: blessings and good health!Reply
  • CASEY POSTED SEPTEMBER 13, 2021 4:22 PMI eat a candy you can find at many grocery stores and online. It is called Gin Gins. They are a chewy ginger candy, kind of like a piece of taffy, but with kick. It’s available in different varieties, including spiced apple (which is my favorite!) I’m just happy to finally see ginger coming to the Lost Herbs emails.Reply
  • SANDRA POSTED SEPTEMBER 13, 2021 5:08 PMLove fresh ginger tea, used it for my stomach and feet!Reply
  • FLORENCE J-C POSTED SEPTEMBER 13, 2021 6:56 PMThank you for these beautiful ideas. They are most helpful, especially at this time. Many blessings to all.Reply
    • THE LOST HERBS POSTED SEPTEMBER 21, 2021 4:59 PMHi Florence,Thank you for your continued support!
      We are glad to hear that you find our articles helpful.Many blessings and good health!Reply
  • FRANCES JORDAN POSTED SEPTEMBER 14, 2021 9:21 AMI live in a mountainous area of Thailand where ginger is grown as a cash crop.. There is a high amount of various chemicals used growing this crop. Those who grow it prefer to use what they grow separately without the chemicals.
    Be aware of your source if you use fresh ginger.
    If anyone has information on detoxing commercial ginger I would appreciate knowing this.Reply
  • TAMMY POSTED SEPTEMBER 14, 2021 11:37 AMI live in Ky. We have Wild ginger here. It is also known as colt’s foot. Does it wirk the same way? We have always used it to settle an upset stomach.Reply
    • THE LOST HERBS POSTED SEPTEMBER 21, 2021 5:08 PMHi Tammy,Wild ginger is also known as colic root since it’s used indeed to treat colic, upset stomach, indigestion, and cramps.However, Wild Ginger and Coltsfoot are two different plants.Many blessings and good health!Reply
  • ADINA POSTED APRIL 5, 2022 2:21 PMI made this tincture and it’s wonderful, my husband and I take it every day so thank you for that. I am currently working on a new tincture with turmeric root and black peppercorns, I’ll let you know how it turns out. Love this site!Reply

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The Healing Power of Backyard Plants at Your Fingertips

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This week our plant is Marsh Mallow or Marshmallow which is related to the Hollyhock and in the same family as the hibiscus. The most well-known variety of Marsh Mallow – both as a garden shrub and as a medicinal plant – is Althaea Officinalis.
A few of the common names for this plant are White Mallow and Joseph’s Staff. And, yes, this plant used to be used in the making of edible, confectionary marshmallows!Where This Plant Is FoundMarshmallow is thought to be indigenous to Western Asia, Europe, and North Africa. However, it is now also found growing in many parts of the United States, Canada, and Australia. This hardy plant particularly thrives in moist locations or near the coast. It will even grow in salt marshes.How To Identify MarshMallowThe Marshmallow is a perennial that, when fully grown and in flower, stands at an impressive 3 – 4 feet / 1 – 1 ¼ meters high. They can reach a width of 2 ½ feet or ¾ meter.They are strong, wiry plants with branched stems.
Leaf: The soft leaves of this herb are grey-green in color. They are also covered in fine hair or fuzz and are similar in shape to Maple leaves.The plant forms small clusters of flowers from mid-summer to early autumn. The blooms appear at intervals along the length of the stem.Flower: The flowers have five, heart-shaped petals and blooms range in color from white to a very pale pink or mauve. The flowers mature into brown seed heads or pods each of which contains dozens of black seeds.Root: This herb has a root system that consists of many roots each of which is about the thickness of a pencil. There are multiple smaller roots branching out a short distance from the main root.How To Grow MarshmallowMarshmallow is a hardy plant that can be grown with ease. They do not mind whether they are planted in full sun or partial shade and can thrive in both exposed and sheltered spots. This plant is also not fussy about soil type and will grow in loamy, clay, chalky, or sandy ground and regardless of pH too. However, this herb does not do well in containers.There are several ways you can plant Marshmallow:Seeds: You can buy seeds or harvest them for existing plants. In either case, you will need to store the seeds in the refrigerator so that they think winter is over and germination is triggered. Loose seeds should be placed on a damp paper towel inside a plastic bag (unsealed). Bought, packeted seeds can be refrigerated in the packet. In either case, store them this way for 3 to 4 weeks. Seeds can be seeded or planted in potting soil in containers until the seedlings are established or directly into your garden.Root division: These plants die back and become dormant in autumn. You do not need to dig up the plant. Use a sharp spade to cut down through the center of the root mass. Remove one half from the soil and replant it immediately. Fill in the gap next to the original plant so the roots are secure. When you are ready to plant them, place them 1 foot apart.Once planted, always keep the soil your Marshmallow plants are moist, especially in the first year. However, the ground should be well-drained, though, so the soil doesn’t become too wet or waterlogged.
Once established, Althaea Officinalis will grow very well and really look after themselves. They can even cope with very heavy frosts and, as they are perennials, they will shoot again in spring. They are pollinated by bees and self-sow so you will have more plants each year and – given free reign – the area they grow in will get bigger each season.What Marshmallow is Good For -Ease inflammation in the digestive system;
-Soothe inflammation and irritation in the mouth;
-Soothe inflammation and irritation in the throat and ease coughing;
-Prevent or treat constipation;
-Ease inflammation associated with minor wounds and burns, dry skin, skin eruptions such as acne and boils, splinters, abrasions, and insect bites and stings;
-Aid with the symptoms of urinary tract infections and kidney stones;
-Ease arthritis and gout;
-Stimulate the kidneys/act as a diuretic.
Much of the Marshmallow plant can be used for medicinal or health-giving applications. The leaves and flowers are used, and the leaves contain good amounts of mucilage.
The roots are particularly valuable for the reasons discussed above.A DIY Marshmallow RecipeIngredients
–  50 grams of dried Marshmallow Root- Lukewarm (98 and 1030 Fahrenheit or 36.5 to 39.50 Celsius) filtered water.
1. Fill a clean jar Âź full of dried Marshmallow root.
2. Cover the herb with lukewarm water.3.Gently stir the mixture so that all the root material becomes wet.
4. Cover the jar with an airtight lid.
5. Leave the mixture to infuse for 4 to 8 hours.
6. Strain the mixture to remove the plant material. The liquid you obtain should be pale yellow and slightly viscous.

If you only want a small quantity, place 1 heaped teaspoon of the dried root into a cup of lukewarm water. Allow it to steep overnight in the refrigerator and sip the mixture the following morning.UsesAs a mouthwash to ease mouth ulcers, inflamed gums, or cuts on the cheeks or tongue;You can gargle with – and then swallow – this mixture to soothe a sore throat;Sipping this infusion eases gastric problems such as indigestion, inflammation, and – with regular use – constipation;It can be used as a topical wash for minor wounds and burns.And yes, this infusion can also be used to make traditional marshmallows… but that’s a separate recipe!DosageThe dose or amount used will vary depending on (a) what the remedy is being used for and (b) the type of preparation involved.
For example, standard doses include:
*Powdered root: 6 grams daily;
*Leaf: 10 grams daily;
*Syrup: 10 grams ounces daily;
*Cream or ointment: applied 3 times a day;
*Mouthwash or gargle: 2 grams in 240 milliliters of cold water (never use warm or hot water).

Preparations that are bought rather than home-made will carry dosage and use instructions on the packaging. These should be read carefully and adhered to.Warning and CautionsIt appears that there are no known contraindications in terms of harmful interactions with medications and drugs. Some warnings include:Avoid using this plant if you are pregnant or breastfeeding as safety levels are unknown;Diabetic patients should avoid using Marshmallow regardless of whether they are on insulin or oral medication;The effects of topical corticosteroids may be magnified by this herb;As with any plant substance, there is the possibility of an allergic reaction.What Happens When You Take Expired Medications

California Poppy

California Poppy (Eschscholzia californica) is one of eleven species in the Eschscholzia or Poppy genus. Depending on how it is grown, it is either an herbaceous, hardy annual or a perennial with very deep roots. This poppy is also known as California Sunlight, Golden Poppy, and Cup of Gold. It is also the Californian state flower.
Although there is some disagreement among botanists, the general feeling seems to be that there are two subspecies – one with four varieties – and, as this poppy has become so popular with gardeners, there are also many variants and a multitude of cultivars.Where This Plant Is FoundThis specific poppy is native to the US and Mexico. As the name implies, its origins lie in California. 
Outside of the US, Eschscholzia californica has been introduced and naturalized in India, Chile, Europe, Argentina, South Africa, and Australia. Unfortunately, this plant has been classed as a weed and as undesirable as it is toxic to animals and invades grazing lands.
⇒The Complete Map of Edible Plants: Find Out What You Have in Your Area!How To Identify California PoppyLeaf: The leaves are blue-green, smooth, alternate branching, lacy, and pinnate (multiple leaflets that frow from a single stem). The hairless stems have a thin layer of wax covering them. Fruit: When the flower goes to seed, it forms a thin, cylindrical, ridged capsule that sits above a flat, circular platform. When they are ready, the capsule bursts in two, and the tiny, round seeds are ejected as far as up to 6 feet / 1.8 meters from the parent plant.Flower: The blooms are cup-shaped and light yellow to bright orange are the most common colors. However, there may also be red or pink ones. Buds have a ‘cap’ over them which pops off when the bloom is ready to open.

Each flower is borne on a separate stalk or stem and has four, silky, long, broad petals. the flowering season runs from late spring through to early fall.Root: The nature of the root varies depending on the altitude and type of location the plant is growing in. generally, California Poppies form orange, fleshy taproots.How To Grow California PoppyEschscholzia californica is easy to cultivate and grow in both flower beds and containers. Once these plants are happily established in full sun and in sandy or loamy soil, they will self-seed… perhaps more than some gardeners would like! The soil they are planted in, in addition to being well-drained, should be pH neutral or alkaline. To plant seeds:- Moisten the soil you will be planting in;
– Make shallow furrows about 6 inches / 15 cm apart with a stick or your finger;
-Scatter the tiny seeds as thinly as you can into the furrows.– Cover the seeds with soil to a depth of 0.2 inches (½ cm);
– Water extremely gently so the seeds are not washed away or exposed;- Keep seeds moist until they germinate;
– Thin seedlings out when they reach 1 ½ inches / 4 cm and again at 3 inches / 8 cm in height;
– Keep the seedlings 6 inches / 15 cm apart so they have space to grow.Thereafter minimal care is necessary. If you are not harvesting to use the flowers and leaves in remedies, you can deadhead and then trim the plants back when the flowering season is over. As added advantages, California Poppies are drought tolerant and, as a rule, pest- and disease-free.

It should be noted that cultivars may not be the same color etc. after reseeding.What California Poppy is Good For– Ease insomnia, including in children;- Soothe pain and aches;- Lower anxiety levels;- Promote relaxation;- Ease the symptoms of bladder infections;- Boost energy levels;- Act as a tonic for the nervous system.A DIY California Poppy RecipeThe most popular DIY recipe when it comes to this plant is undoubtedly tea. It is most often used to calm nerves, reduce anxiety, promote sleep, or ease headaches. This tea doesn’t only have multiple uses… it is also easy to make.
– 1 heaped teaspoon of dried California Poppy
– 1 cup of water
If you use fresh plant material, you will need to use 1 heaped tablespoon. You can use a mixture of leaves, flowers, and small stems.
1. Place the poppy in a cup.2. Pour boiling water over the plant material.3. Cover the cup to retain heat. Leave the tea to steep or draw for up to 20 minutes (naturally, the longer you leave it the stronger it will be)4. Strain the liquid into a clean cup or mug.Some people find this tea bitter. If you do, you can use a sweetener of your choices such as honey or stevia. You could also experiment with other flavors such as ginger or something sweeter such as mint. You can enjoy up to three cups of this tea daily.DosageHow much you use is impacted by personal factors such as state of health / current medical conditions and age. Moreover, because of the lack of clinical research with California Poppy, it is not surprising that there is no general data about doses.
The general guidelines, though, are straightforward. Firstly, follow the directions of your healthcare practitioner. Secondly, follow the manufacturer’s instructions on products that you purchase.Warning and CautionsAs with any plant-based remedy or preparation, one shouldn’t assume it is 100% safe because it is 100% natural. California Poppy is no exception, and there are cautions that come with it.

– Pregnant or breastfeeding women should avoid this plant;
– People taking sedative medications should not use this herb;
– You should stop using this herb two weeks before a scheduled surgery.

Finally, if you have a medical condition, are on medication, or are unsure of the safety and suitability of California Poppy for you, consult your healthcare practitioner before using it.

Don’t Throw Away Your Onion Skins, Do This Instead

Winter Miracle Tea


Winter Miracle Tea - Cinnamon
Winter Miracle Tea -Almond Milk
Winter Miracle Tea - Utensils
Winter Miracle Tea - Step 1
Winter Miracle Tea - Step 3
Winter Miracle Tea - Step 4
Winter Miracle Tea
Winter Miracle Tea

Winter Miracle Tea


There’s nothing cozier than a hot drink on a cold winter’s night, preferably curled up on the sofa or your favorite comfy chair. Tea is the most popular hot drink in the world and can be taken in any number of ways: with milk, plain, with a slice of lemon, etc. Today, we’re going to look at a winter miracle tea recipe that is sure to warm you on those dark nights.

It also has many health benefits thanks to the black tea and the other ingredients that go into this drink: star anise, clove, cinnamon, honey, and almond milk (optional). I’m going to let you know what these benefits are first and then share the quantities and how to prepare it.

Medicinal Benefits Of This Winter Miracle Tea

Black tea comes from the ‘Camellia Sinensis plant and can have other plants added for flavor. I’m going to use Earl Grey tea today which is blended with bergamot. The bergamot orange trees are commonly grown in Italy and this blend is one of the strongest-tasting black teas, I find. Feel free to use any black tea of your choice in this recipe.

Medicinal Benefits Of Black Tea

Black tea contains antioxidants called flavonoids which are good for your heart health. Studies involving drinking black tea daily have shown that it lowers the risk of developing heart disease by reducing risk factors including high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and obesity.

Winter Miracle Tea - Black Tea

Black tea also contains other antioxidants known as polyphenols. These help fight free radicals which in turn helps prevent or slow the formation of some types of cancers. Polyphenols also help to maintain a healthy gut by encouraging good bacteria growth and stopping bad bacteria growth. This leads to a stronger immune system and better health overall.

Another incredible benefit that comes from drinking black tea is that it reduces the risk of having a stroke. It also lowers blood sugar levels which reduces your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, kidney failure, obesity, and depression.

Winter Miracle Tea - Star Anise
Medicinal Benefits Of Star Anise

Star anise has long been used to fight the flu and viruses. That’s because it contains shikimic acid (which is so powerful it’s used in the production of a drug to treat bird flu). It also helps relieve cold and flu symptoms like chills, a headache, muscle pains, and fatigue.

Star anise can also improve the symptoms of menopause. It mimics estrogen and studies have found it’s highly effective at reducing hot flashes. Bone loss is another potential side effect of menopause and star anise helps keep bones healthier and protects against osteoporosis.

Medicinal Benefits Of Cloves
Winter Miracle Tea - Cloves

Cloves are one of those spices that ooze warmth and are often used in food and drink recipes to add a bit of heat and boost the flavor. They also have some surprising health benefits. For example, cloves can help to protect your liver. They can keep the liver healthier by improving liver function, reducing inflammation, and decreasing oxidative stress.

The antioxidants in cloves that reduce oxidative stress also help protect against chronic diseases.

Medicinal Benefits Of Cinnamon

Cinnamon has been used in medicine for thousands of years. It is anti-inflammatory which lowers your risk of disease and helps the body fight infections which is so crucial at this time of year. Cinnamon also lowers bad cholesterol levels and blood sugar levels.

It might even help protect against neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease.

Winter Miracle Tea - HoneyWinter Miracle Tea - Honey
Medicinal Benefits Of Honey

It’s the season to catch a cold or flu and honey is commonly used in hot drinks to soothe a sore throat and coughs. Honey is even used by many to treat upper respiratory tract infections. If you suffer from hay fever or allergies, honey has also been reported to reduce symptoms if taken daily ahead of allergy season.

Related: Allergies No More! Allergies and Asthma Support Bundle (Learn More)

Honey is also high in antioxidants which can help prevent any number of conditions including type 2 diabetes. Not only that, it can help keep your heart healthier by lowering blood pressure, regulating the heartbeat, and stopping healthy cells from dying.

Medicinal Benefits Of Almond Milk

Almond milk contains several minerals and vitamins and is especially high in vitamin E. It is often enriched with calcium too, making it great for the bones and a good source of calcium for those who are lactose intolerant.

Using almond milk is optional in this recipe. You can add any plant-based or animal milk that you prefer, or leave your winter miracle tea black; it will still be warming and beneficial.

How To Make This Winter Miracle Tea

Winter Miracle Tea - Ingredients

There are approximately 21 calories in one teaspoon of honey. This drink will also contain added calories if you use milk and will vary by type and brand.

  • 1 Cup of black tea ( usually 1 teaspoon black tea leaves per cup of water)
  • 1 Star anise pod
  • 1 Dried clove
  • ½ Teaspoon of cinnamon powder
  • 1 Teaspoon of honey (or sweetener of your choice)
  • A splash of almond milk (or milk of your choice / or leave it black)
  • Kettle
  • Teapot
  • Mug
  • Teaspoon
  1. Boil your water
  2. Add your black tea leaves (usually 1 teaspoon per cup of water), 1-star anise pod, and 1 dried clove to your teapot then pour in your water
  3. Let it steep for 10 minutes then pour your tea into a mug
  4. Stir in ½ teaspoon of cinnamon powder and 1 teaspoon of honey
  5. Add milk if you’re choosing to use it and stir one final time

Your winter miracle tea is now ready. Enjoy it as soon as it’s not too hot to drink. You can have up to two cups of this each day.

If you want to add more water because you find the spices strong at first that’s fine and a great way to get more water in your diet. Just keep the rest of the quantities the same. Remember, while honey has many beneficial medicinal qualities, it is still high in calories and causes an increase in blood sugar.

Also, black tea contains caffeine and the amount varies by type and brand so most people are better off having this a couple of hours before going to bed. It’s also a great hot drink to have in the morning to gently wake you up and heat you up from the inside.

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  • MICHELE POSTED DECEMBER 28, 2021 5:39 PMVery interesting will try as winter is hereReply
  • MONIKA POSTED JANUARY 6, 2022 4:50 PMWould you please compare Ceylon cinnamon with Saigon cinnamon? My friend said one is “fake” cinnamon. Thank you.Reply
    • LISA POSTED JANUARY 6, 2022 5:12 PMGo with Ceylon cinnamonReply
    • CYNTHIA POSTED JANUARY 6, 2022 5:22 PMCeylon cinnamon is considered the true cinnamon because it tends to be purer than other types. Saigon comes from Vietnam.Reply
    • DIANA CEDENO POSTED JANUARY 6, 2022 5:26 PMHello Dr.Apelian, I also would like to know your answer to this question.
      Thank youReply
      • THE LOST HERBS POSTED FEBRUARY 9, 2022 10:45 AMHi,Ceylon cinnamon is considered healthier than Saigon cinnamon (cassia) because it has more medically-established health benefits, and negligible levels of a toxic compound that’s high in Saigon cinnamon. So Ceylon is called “True” cinnamon for a reason: it provides users with all of the cinnamon benefits without any of the risks.Saigon cinnamon is known for its high concentration of essential oils, which accounts for it having a more complex and pungent flavor. Saigon cinnamon is intensely peppery and warm with a slight bitter note that can be unpleasant when the spice is used in excess. Because of these oils, Saigon cinnamon is considered good in terms of flavor. Ceylon cinnamon’s flavor is more subtle.I hope this helps!
    • K POSTED JANUARY 6, 2022 5:30 PMCeylon is the REAL cinnamon. Saigon is not.Reply
    • KIM TYMKOW POSTED JANUARY 6, 2022 5:51 PMI would also like to know about the differences in cinnamon that we can find in our grocers. 🙏🏼🌞Reply
    • ROUMIANA POSTED JANUARY 7, 2022 4:34 AMCeylon or rather Sri Lankan cinnamon is famous is the best. I’ve never heard of Saigon cinnamon.Reply
  • ROSALYN FAY POSTED JANUARY 6, 2022 5:14 PMAlso known as chaiReply
    • ROUMIANA POSTED JANUARY 7, 2022 4:38 AMchai means just tea, any tea, including herbal infusion in many languages, such as Bulgarian (чай), Russian, Turkish, Farsi, etc. Tea is the English translation of chai.Reply
  • PAULETTE SALISBURY POSTED JANUARY 6, 2022 6:44 PMLove this tea blend. Please clarify or correct your Ingredients list above to say One cup brewed black tea. As it reads now, you would need a cup of black tea leaves. The instructions below say one teaspoon of tea leaves to one cup of water, added to the anise, cloves and other ingredients. This may sound trivial but I know some folks who would get confused by the instructions given.Reply
  • CLAIRE LEGRAND POSTED JANUARY 7, 2022 1:21 AMWhat kind of teapot is best? Cast Iron, ceramic or glass?Reply
  • KELLIE POSTED JANUARY 7, 2022 1:26 AMI have a question concerning black tea. My understanding is that if you have thyroid issues that you should not drink black tea, also I was told that black tea tends to leach iron from your system, is this info correct and if so, what tea can you use instead?Reply
    • RADARPHOS POSTED JANUARY 8, 2022 9:41 AMKellie, go (back) to your medical professional/specialist, who monitors blood lab work (e.g., iron in blood). Let this one evaluate your labs, then ask your questions; and experiment as you may because if a problem exists it will likely show up in lab work. Iron is amply present in most foods, and especially processed foods using flours (its added to the flour before the bready item is made). Overload of iron is not good, as is under-load of iron. By the way, viruses and bacteria in the body LOVE iron and tend to travel in a body to where iron is readily available (e.g., reproductive organs). Plenty of MDs believe or suspect that cancers are caused by any combination of: virus, bacteria, parasite, fungi and toxins. Dr. Thomas E Levy, MD, JD (Juris “attorney” doctorate) offers a free download pdf-book, about 330 pages called “Rapid Virus Recovery” and written with a view towards Covid and general health. It is written to convey understandings to the non-medically trained (like me). Do a search. You can still get a free download of Rapid Virus Recovery at this link:
  • CHARITY CARLTON POSTED JANUARY 7, 2022 6:26 AMI have to try this!Reply
  • LINDA SIMPSON POSTED JANUARY 7, 2022 10:31 AMIs there a tea that is low in oxalates. My Nephrologist has told me not to drink black tea because it increases kidney stone formation.Reply
    • THE LOST HERBS POSTED FEBRUARY 9, 2022 11:01 AMHi Linda,Peppermint, chamomile, rooibos, hibiscus are all good options for tea drinkers looking for low oxalate teas.Many blessings and good health!Reply
  • PATRICIA POSTED JANUARY 9, 2022 11:09 AMI’ll have to make it more often. I never knew it actually helped with HBP!Reply
  • KATHLEEN POSTED JANUARY 9, 2022 6:16 PMSo, say you wanted to make 6 cups. Obviously you’d increase the water amount but would you then use 6 tsp of tea , 6 cloves, 6 anis pods, etc?Reply
  • KATHLEEN POSTED JANUARY 10, 2022 9:00 PMHaving a cup, as we speak and love it! But, is any anis in any form okay or doesit have to whole be ‘star’ anis?Reply
    • JOANNE WATTS POSTED JANUARY 27, 2022 7:16 PMFor anyone interested you can buy a large bag of star anise from and it isn’t expensiveReply
  • KATHLEEN POSTED JANUARY 10, 2022 9:02 PMHaving a cup, as we speak and love it! But, is any anis in any form okay or does it have to be whole,’star’ anis?Reply
    • THE LOST HERBS POSTED FEBRUARY 1, 2022 8:56 PMHi Kathleen,The major difference between anise and star anise is that anise seed is potent, with an almost spicy flavor, while star anise is subtly milder. They can be used interchangeably in recipes, but amounts must be adjusted. For 1 whole star anise, use ½ teaspoon anise seeds.Many blessings and good health!Reply

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What Happens If You Eat Chili Peppers for Breakfast?

David Michael Cain, you are receiving this email because you purchased The Forager’s Guide to Wild Foods
➤ Read it on The Lost HerbsHi David Michael Cain,

Before we start talking about eating chili peppers for breakfast, let’s understand why chili peppers were used in the first place. Yes, chili peppers add flavor to food but spices played a role beyond taste in the past.

They actually helped prevent spoilage, which was very important in warm climates. In cold climates, you could “freeze” your food in snow or even place it in a frozen pond but in warm climates food would spoil quickly. This is where spices come into play. Many spices contain antibacterial/anti-microbial properties, which would aid in preventing food spoilage.
Now, what benefits do chili peppers have? What makes them hot is also the chemical that aids in food preservation. What is it? Well, you guessed it: capsaicin. This hot chemical that gives heat to peppers is also a very powerful anti-microbial that is known to kill 75% of bacterial growth that could cause food spoilage.
Why would one want to start their day with a breakfast dish that has chili peppers in it? Well, to answer that question let’s take a look at other benefits that hot peppers provide.Promotes A Healthy Heart
Hot peppers help the circulatory system by reducing blood serum cholesterol levels and lipid deposits. This, in turn, can reverse excessive blood clotting.
They are also known to dilate blood vessels so that the blood can travel through the veins more freely.Helps With AllergiesCapsaicin found in hot peppers is an anti-inflammatory, which can aid in preventing allergies and addressing the symptoms of allergies.
Prevents Bad BreathEating hot peppers, using hot sauce and/or hot pepper powder is one way of preventing bad breath. Yes, you heard it right.

Eating hot peppers can keep your breath smelling fresh but how. It seems that hot peppers disinfect the mouth, which prevents bad breath.
Fights Cold, Flu, And Fungal InfectionsSince hot peppers are full of antioxidants, eating them is a great way of boosting your immune system. When it comes to fungal infections, it has been discovered that hot peppers will fight against 16 fungal strains by attacking fungal pathogens that can cause an assortment of problems.May Reduce Cancer RiskBelieve it or not, recent studies have shown that the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of hot peppers can shrink cancer cells while leaving healthy cells alone.

It is showing promise in prostate, breast, pancreatic, and bladder cancers. Now the kicker in this approach though is you must consume eight large habaneros per week to get any results.
Hot Peppers Benefit The Digestive TractThis may sound a bit odd especially if you have an ulcer. Many individuals for years have been told to avoid spicy foods if they have digestive tract problems.

Studies have shown that avoiding spicy foods is not something you want to do if you have digestive tract issues.
It has been found that antioxidants and other substances found in hot peppers help heal an upset stomach, reduce gas, aid in reducing cramping and diarrhea. Hot peppers also reduce the amount of acid in the stomach, which can lead to ulcers. Due to their hot nature, these peppers also increase salvia production along with other gastric juices, which aid in the digestive process.
However, everyone is different. Eating chili can cause intestinal distress in some people. This is more common in people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Chili can temporarily worsen symptoms in those who are not used to eating it regularly. So if you are not used to it, try incorporating it slowly into your diet.Mitigates MigrainesWhen it comes to migraines and hot peppers, the route to relief is based on a phenomenon that is a bit unique. It seems that if you have pain in one area and you do something that causes discomfort in another area then you forget about the first pain.

As far as it goes with hot peppers, consuming these beauties seems to take your mind off your head hurting due to their hotness, which can cause some discomfort.Promotes Weight LossYou may be surprised to know that eating spicy peppers can help you lose some weight. The first way this is accomplished is through a process called thermogenic.This process is where the body produces heat, which burns calories. Eating hot peppers can also alter proteins in the body and reduce fat accumulation.Capsaicin is known to selectively destroy nerve fibers in the stomach whose job is to carry signals from the stomach to the brain. If the brain is not getting a hungry signal from the stomach then you feel satisfied, which means no overeating.
If hot peppers are eaten with breakfast then this full-filling will carry throughout the day. This suppressed appetite could equate to weight loss.
Who would not want to eat some hot chili peppers with breakfast but to get those culinary juices flowing, give this recipe a try this weekend.Mango Chili SmoothieIngredients:

• 2 ½ cups of frozen mango chunks
• 3 Tablespoons hemp seeds
• 2 Tablespoons dried goji berries
• 1 teaspoon chili powder
• 1 ½ cups apple juice
• 1 cup of water
• 2 Tablespoons freshly squeezed lime juice
• Sweetener of your choice (optional)
1. Put all the ingredients into a blender.
2. Blend until smooth.
3. Pour into a glass and enjoy.

You can also make Hot Pepper Jam or Chili Oil and incorporate them in your breakfast recipes.
Spicy peppers rev up the metabolic rate by generating the thermogenic processes in our body that generates heat.
That process utilizes energy, and thereby, burns additional calories. In addition, if hot peppers are consumed at breakfast, the appetite is suppressed for the rest of the day which ultimately helps in weight loss.
It may even alter proteins in your body to combat fat accumulation.

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DIY Painkilling Extract From A Pineapple

The bromelain in pineapple is an enzyme that has many medicinal benefits. Pineapples have been used in traditional medicine in Central and South America for centuries and possibly even longer. It is used to reduce inflammation, dress wounds, and aid digestion. It wasn’t until the late 19th century that bromelain itself was isolated.
Today, bromelain is used in a wide variety of treatments to help reduce pain and treat certain ailments. While bromelain is found in the fleshy fruit and juice of pineapples, it’s more highly concentrated in the stem. Bromelain can be taken and used in a number of ways. It can be used topically in the form of a cream to heal wounds and burns or taken orally to reduce pain and treat and/or prevent certain medical conditions. When taken orally, it’s often taken in the form of tablets, powder, or capsules.
Today, I’ll show you how to make a DIY painkilling extract from pineapple to benefit from the bromelain. First, let’s look at how it can reduce pain and what other medical conditions it can help with.The Painkilling Effect Of Bromelain
Bromelain has analgesic properties, making it a great natural painkiller. It also has excellent anti-inflammatory properties that reduce swelling and hence reduce pain and symptoms of many conditions.

For this reason, it’s sometimes used to relieve sporting-related injuries. It’s also been used as a post-surgery pain remedy although studies have been mixed on this. Some surgeries where it did provide relief include foot, nasal, and dental surgery.Here are some of the most common medical conditions where it’s used to help treat pain.

• Arthritis & Osteoarthritis – it can help people living with arthritis or osteoarthritis by reducing swelling and joint pain. While studies have shown various results, many indicate that the benefits increase after steady treatment for weeks.• Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – it can also help relieve pain in the fingers of people living with carpal tunnel syndrome as well as tingling, numbing, and other symptoms experienced.The Medicinal Benefits Of Bromelain
Bromelain can also be used to treat or prevent a number of medical conditions.

Cancer – it can help protect against or fight some forms of cancer such as breast cancer by slowing the growth of cancer cells. It may also help people with leukemia, sarcoma, and lung cancer.Sinusitis – it can reduce the nasal inflammation patients experience and make breathing easier. It may also reduce the time that people experience acute symptoms related to sinusitis.Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) – it can suppress inflammation caused by IBD.Asthma – it can help treat asthma by reducing inflammation of the airway. Bromelain also reduces the mucus that collects in the respiratory systems of people with asthma.Strokes – it has anti-clotting properties which can help prevent strokes. Bromelain supports the health of cardiac tissue and prevents inflammation caused by plaque build-up in blood vessels.Digestion – it aids in digestion by breaking down proteins like collagen into amino acids. It also speeds up slow digestion so can help reduce cramping and other side effects.Cardiovascular Disease – it reduces systolic blood pressure which can help fight cardiovascular disease.Colitis – it can help reduce inflammation and treat mucosal ulcers.Bromelain is considered safe for most people to take and is classified as a dietary supplement by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). However, there are some drugs it may interfere with such as blood-thinning medication.

It also enhances the effect of some types of drugs such as antibiotics, anti-seizure medications, and sedatives. If you take any medication, check with your doctor before taking bromelain to make sure that it’s safe for you. It’s also not recommended for pregnant women.How To Extract Bromelain From A Pineapple
Making this extract is very simple but will require six weeks from the time you mix the ingredients to the time your extract is ready. There will be approximately 4 calories per 1 ml of extract.
Ingredients• 1 x Pineapple
• Vodka (minimum 40% alcohol)
Utensils• Sharp knife
• Chopping board
• Glass jar
• Fine strainer
• Cheesecloth
• Container / bowl
• Dropper bottles
1. Cut off the pineapple skin* and then cut around the stem of the pineapple. You might like to cut the fruit up at this stage and place it in a container so it’s ready to eat later as a snack or for breakfast etc.

*If you’re interested, you can make tepache using the pineapple skin.

It’s a fermented Mexican drink that’s a probiotic and helps promote friendly gut bacteria. It’s quick to prepare and then just requires around three days for the fermentation process to take place.

2.Take your stem and cut it into small rings.
3. Place the pineapple stem chunks into your glass jar. Take your vodka and pour it over, making sure that you cover all of the pineapple pieces completely.4. Close the lid tight and place your jar in a cupboard so that it’s away from heat and light and you’re going to keep it there for around six weeks.

5. Once six weeks is up, remove your jar from the cupboard and take a container or bowl to catch the liquid you’re about to strain. Place a fine strainer over the container.

Wrap a few layers of cheesecloth over itself and place this over your strainer.6. Remove the lid from your jar and pour all of the contents over the cheesecloth. You can discard your used pineapple stem pieces.7. Pour your bromelain extract into a dropper bottle or bottles, depending on how much liquid you have and how big your dropper bottles are. Your extract is now ready.You can take 1ml up to three times a day (spread them out so you take one in the morning, afternoon, and evening).

Some studies have suggested that bromelain is most effective when taken on an empty stomach to fight inflammation, so you could try taking a dose before or in between breakfast, lunch and dinner.

If you want to take it to aid digestion, it’s recommended to take it with meals. Store your bromelain extract in a cool dark cupboard and it will keep for up to six months. The Best Natural Painkiller That Grows in Your Own Backyard 
