
We are 10 minutes from Stockton lake and 5 minutes from Caplinger Mills.

We are still getting off the ground… at a snails pace; but we are moving forward. We do have camping/farmstay prices; but as of 2020, we are still very primitive. for other Farmsays, check out FarmStayUS or Google other Farm Stays near us:

I think, we will be the 1st official Farm Stay in our area. I hope to have something as nice as some of the other places you will find on above; here, someday. If you are interested in our work stay to help us get ahead fasted, we do offer discounts. We also offer discounts for long term stays.

The going rate for RV spots in our area is $20-30/day. Primitive camping $10-15/day. Cabin: $50-100/day… on the low end.

We don’t have any cabins yet, but I hope to get started on that this year 2021 or next year at the latest.

We don’t have running water, bathrooms or showers yet; but I have a place in Caplinger I am working on for that. I am also working on OffGrid alternative bathroom and shower options for the land. Otherwise, we just run to Stockton (lake) for #2 and showers for now. I am digging for a small septic, but it is taking forever to do it by hand. Where I am digging, can’t get heavy equipment. It’s in the middle of a bunch of Cedars, and I don’t wish to cut them down.

We do produce our own electricity and heat… though you are more then welcome to use propane if need be for heat. I want to refrain from connecting this property to the grid if at all possible. Besides the things we cannot produce ourselves.