
It’s been almost a decade; and as some of you already know, the DD&D project has been a bust. So I’m regrouping and going in a different direction; potentially looking for new business partners, and rebranding.

The third David never did and probably never will end up joining us. The second David is really smart, but is impossible. He is also very strong and has a lot of potential; but he just doesn’t apply himself, and no longer fulfills his end of the agreement. Like everyone else who has come to the land; he’s all talk, yet little to no action. He is loyal and trustworthy, and makes a good guard dog; but that’s about it. He’s counterproductive, and I just can’t deal with it anymore.

I myself am getting tired of the hand out mentality in the sustainable community environment… in society. I’m tired of doing most all the work, and having to pay all the bills; while someone else sits on their butt and reaps the rewards.

My North neighbor wants to buy me out. Even though he’s a pathological liar, I’m thinking about selling; I just need to find some place else to move. All three of my old neighbors sold their properties, made a profit and moved on to something new; so maybe that’s what I should do.

I still have 10% in that 20 acres just 2 miles north on 39. If I find some potential business partners, who want to assist in buying out the other owners; then I might be interested in continuing said project.

CainO aka David Michael Cain O’Dougherty

There are three types of people in the world; those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who wonder what happened. I’m not looking for the latter two, I’m trying to chase excellence.

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