Intentional Communities


Here we plan to network other local communities like our own within a 300-600 mile radios. If all of us list other locations within their 300-600mi radios, you will be able to find and network with us all through one another… webbing our communities together through the web like a web.  (:


We have three in Missouri so far now that we know of besides our own. Before now, we weren’t really looking for them; but now I will be seeking them out. So if you know of any communities like our own withing this range, please let us know so that we may network with them. We will basically be listing the locations we find or that find us withing the surrounding states that are physically touching Missouri; in the future, we may branch out even further. Thanx! (:



Example: Turtle Lake Refuge can be found at:
848 E 3rd Ave, Durango, CO 81301
You can also find them on YouTube and FaceBook (:

Turtle Lake Refuge is one of our favorites!






